Important information regarding Building Permit Applications
Published on Thursday, 1 April 2021 at 1:30:04 PM

Important information regarding Building Permit Applications
As of May 1st all building permit applications will need to meet the latest edition of the Building Code, the NCC BCA 2019 + Amendment 1.
Until that time applications could meet either the previous edition of the Code (2016) or the latest edition (2019 +A1).
A summary of the major changes are:
- Removal of transitional provisions for energy efficiency compliance
- Changes to the star rating assessment for energy efficiency
- Adoption of new Australian Standards for framing requirements
- Waterproofing requirements in wet areas
- Condensation management requirements added
Applications received on and after the 1st of May will be assessed against the 2019 +A1 edition of the Code.
Application forms and building compliance advice can be found HERE or by contacting the Shire’s Building Surveyor.