Shire Refuse Sites

Gnowangerup, Borden and Ongerup Landfill Sites (Tips)

Opening Hours

Gnowangerup, Borden and Ongerup Landfill sites all operate during the times listed below only.

Please also be advised that all three sites now operate under a swipe card system. All ratepayers and residents can receive a card from the Shire Administration Office. One card can be issued per household. Lost cards can be replaced at a cost of $25.00.

Day Opening Hours
Monday 7:00am - 7:00pm
Tuesday 7:00am - 7:00pm
Wednesday 7:00am - 7:00pm
Thursday 7:00am - 7:00pm
Friday Closed
Saturday 7:00am - 7:00pm
Sunday & Public Holidays 7:00am - 7:00pm

PLEASE NOTE: Only waste from within the Shire of Gnowangerup will be accepted at any of our waste sites. Also, TYRES and ASBESTOS waste products will NO longer be accepted at any of the shire’s three landfill sites.

For further information regarding the refuse sites, call the Shire Office on 08 9827 1007 or call Barry Gibbs on 0499 899 423.


 Why are the waste sites locked?

The sites are lock so as to restrict access to Shire of Gnowangerup users only, this prevents dumping by outsiders due to their sites being closed. This extends the life of our own facilities.

Why are the sites closed on Friday?
This closure allows the Shire Staff and Contractors the opportunity and flexibility to carry out maintenance works without placing the public at risk. There have been previous incidents where damage to vehicles and injuries caused due to interaction between the public and working machinery. These closure hours allow flexibility depending on Staff and contractor availability.

They also provide consistent hours of operation for the public instead of just closing the sites on an adhoc basis.
With the changing of the WH&S laws this is becoming more critical that every step is taken to prevent injuries are workplace accidents.

Why can’t I access the sites at night?
The sites are not lit and are deemed a wok place under WH&S laws. Allowing access would put the public and the Shire at risk should an injury occur.

Why can’t I put tyres in the waste sites?
The Department of Water and Environmental Regulation places this condition on all but three approved tyre disposal sites in Western Australia.

Why doesn’t the Shire accept Asbestos at the waste sites?
It is a condition of our license that asbestos can no longer be accepted.

What will happen in the future if these measures do not work?
It is highly likely that sites will need to be manned in the future, the resulting costs may mean that waste site opening hours are further reduced and only accessible when manned.
Many Shires have reduced the opening hours to just 2 or 3 days and for very limited hours on those days.

What Is Recycling

Shire staff are often asked what should be placed in recycling bins and also what happens to the material in the bins when they are emptied.

Warren Blackwood Waste was the successful tenderer when the waste collection contract recently came up for renewal. Mat Webb from WBW has this to say about recycling:

“We have had a lot of enquiries recently from most of the shires we service, in regard to recycling material and where it ends up.

Aluminium and steel cans as well as paper and cardboard are easily processed and we are able to get those processed quite easily, through Remondis in Perth.

Glass has been an issue for a long time and there hasn't been a receiver for a number of years now. WBW uses it as cleanfill at our Kojonup landfill site so we encourage everyone to put it in the recycling bin.

In general, we encourage people to put the following items in the recycling bin:

  • paper/cardboard/magazines, etc
  • all plastics
  • aluminium (alfoil wrapping)
  • steel cans
  • glass

The cleaner the material the better, but as long as there isn’t still food or anything in the containers, it isn’t a problem.

Grease, oil, etc on paper or cardboard is fine.

We sort all materials by hand at our facility in Kojonup, and encourage any Shire or interested residents to come for a look at any stage. The reason we accept materials other companies will not is because we have the ability to stockpile and are optimistic about recycling into the future.

If you have any questions or would like to organise a tour of our facility, please get in touch with us:

Name Company Contact Number Email
Mat Webb Warren Blackwood waste 0429 792 373

Ongerup Effluent System

Shire of Gnowangerup Water Services Manual

The Shire of Gnowangerup’s Water Services Manual is the go-to-guide for Ongerup ratepayers for information in relation to their rights under the ERA Water License for the Ongerup Sewerage and Effluent Reuse Scheme. This manual sets out a customer’s rights in relation to service interruptions, levels of service, complaints handling, bill review procedures, methods of payment or what to do when a customer is experiencing financial hardship. The manual further contains all the relevant contact details and forms for lodging complaints, requests, etc.

Shire of Gnowangerup Water Services Manual

Water Services Code of Conduct

The current version of the Water Services code of conduct can be found on the WA Government legislation website at: Western Australian Legislation - Water Services Code of Conduct (Customer Service Standards) 2018