Storage of vehicles, vessels and machinery on townsite properties – Gnowangerup, Borden and Ongerup
Published on Thursday, 13 May 2021 at 10:21:31 AM

The Shire of Gnowangerup would like to advise all property owners and residents that over the next few months the Shire will begin a townsite clean-up campaign to ensure our three townsites look fantastic and welcoming to our residents and visitors.
The Shire currently has an Animals, Environment and Nuisance Local Law 2016. Section 3.6 of this local law currently states the following:
3.6 Storage of vehicles, vessels and machinery
The owner or occupier of a lot shall not—
(a) store, or allow to remain in public view on any lot, more than 1 vehicle, vessel or machinery (whether licensed or not) in a state of disrepair;
(b) store, or allow to remain in public view on any lot, any vehicle, vessel or machinery in a state of disrepair for a period in excess of 1 month;
(c) store, or allow to remain in public view on any lot, any vehicle parts, vessel parts or machinery parts (including tyres);
(d) wreck, dismantle or break up any vehicle, part or body of a vehicle, vessel or machinery except where performed—
(i) inside a building; or
(ii) within an area enclosed by a fence or wall of not less than 1.8 metres in height and of such a nature as to screen all vehicles, parts or bodies of vehicles, vessels or machinery from the thoroughfare and from adjoining properties; or
(e) wreck, dismantle or break up a vehicle, vessel or machinery so as to cause a nuisance.
The Shire of Gnowangerup is now requesting that all property owners and residents remove all disused vehicles, vessels and machinery from your property by 30th June 2021.
In the upcoming weeks, the Shire will be commencing townsite inspections to identify non-compliant properties that will then be notified accordingly.
Bob Jarvis
Chief Executive Officer