Job - Vacancy - Grader Operator
Published on Wednesday, 6 July 2022 at 9:44:11 AM

The Shire of Gnowangerup is currently seeking applications for the role of Grader Operator within the road construction/maintenance crew.
The successful applicants will work under the direction of the Manager of Works and ideally have experience in the road construction/maintenance industry, have the required skills to operate general road plant and hold a HC (HR Minimum) licence. This role supports the successful delivery of all road construction and maintenance programs including the carting of materials, bitumen patching, drainage construction, traffic management, footpaths and other duties involving manual labour.
The position is full time (84 hours per fortnight) worked over a 9-day fortnight with conditions and wages in accordance with the Shire of Gnowangerup (Operational Works Crew) Enterprise Agreement.
A Position Description can be obtained by contacting Chelsea Why via email at
Applicants are encouraged to contact Asset & Waste Management Coordinator, Geoff Carberry, on 0499 899 423 for further information about the position.
Applications should consist of a covering letter, resume and a statement of not more than 5 pages addressing Section 5 of the Skills and Experience from the Position Description. All applications are to be marked Private and Confidential and addressed to the Chief Executive Officer.
All applications must be received via email at or via post at the Shire of Gnowangerup, 28 Yougenup Road, Gnowangerup WA 6335, by 4.00pm Tuesday 19 July 2022.
Bob Jarvis