Expressions of Interest - Purchase/Removal of Fuel Tanks
Published on Thursday, 22 April 2021 at 3:13:17 PM

The Shire of Gnowangerup seeks expressions of interest for the purchase/removal of the following items: Two 2000 litre Overhead Steel Fuel Tanks including mounting frames.
The tanks are fitted with fill from ground inlets, delivery flow meters, filters and include hoses and nozzles. They were previously used to store diesel.
The items are located at the Ongerup Works Depot and are offered on an “as is where is” basis. You will be required to remove the entire units including footings.
Expressions of Interest should include:
1) Remuneration Offered
2) Proof of Ability to remove the units safely and in accordance with all Acts or Regulations.
3) Proof of Public Liability Insurance ($5,000,000)
The units are required to be removed within 30 days of your offer being accepted.
Your interest maybe in one or both tanks.
The highest bidder may not necessarily be accepted.

TANK 1 (2000l) TANK 2 (2000l) TYPICAL FOOTING
Expressions of interest should be emailed to no later than
4pm Friday 21st May 2021.
Bob Jarvis
Chief Executive Officer