Community Financial Assistance Grants 2020/21

Published on Friday, 29 May 2020 at 3:24:00 PM


Community Groups within the Shire of Gnowangerup are now invited to apply for Community Financial Assistance Grants (CFAG) Program. There are three categories of funding available for projects taking place in 2020/21 financial year. 

Quick Grants - for applications up to $500.00, primarily for volunteer support.

Community Grants- for applications from $501.00 - $5,000.00 aimed at supporting community groups with small capital projects, events, projects etc.

Special Requests Community Grants - for applications from $5000.00 - $20,000.00 aimed at supporting community groups with large capital projects, events, projects etc. The purpose of the grant is not to fund operating costs.

Comprehensive guidelines, application forms and acquittal statements for each category can be found on our website under “Public Notices” or by contacting the Shire Office on 9827 1007.

Requests for operational funding, works-in-kind or reimbursement for expenses prior to the 2020/21 financial year will no longer be accepted under the guidelines. Furthermore, this is now the only pathway to request Council contribution for partnership funding for any project throughout the year. Please consider all events, projects or infrastructure your community group is planning for the 2020/21 year carefully, as applications will only be open once per year.  

If your community group is interested in applying for assistance under any of the grant categories, please make contact with the Shire of Gnowangerup at or 9827 1007 to discuss your idea.

Step 1 - Contact the Shire of Gnowangerup to discuss your project idea on 9827 1007

Step 2 - Complete the respective Grant Application Form.

Step 3 - Submit the application form by 4:00pm 29/5/2020.

Step 4 - Applications are assessed; Council approves suitable applicants at the Annual Budget meeting.

Step 5 - Applicants are notified in writing in August 2020.

Due to the COVID-19 situation we are currently facing there will be no Grant Writing Workshop this year. We are however working on a document to distribute to help you with writing your grant. We will advertise this on our Website and Facebook page in due course.

We look forward to supporting our fantastic community organisations in 2020/21.

Chief Executive Officer

Bob Jarvis