Please have a say in the future of the Shire of Gnowangerup
During February the Shire is inviting community members to contribute to a review of the Strategic Community Plan.
This is a great opportunity for residents to have input into the future direction of the Shire. Your feedback will help guide the Shire's strategic direction for 2025-2035. The current Strategic Community Plan, as part of the Intergrated Strategic Plan 2021-2031, is available at the Shire office and website.
Share your views through:
Community Info and Feedback Sessions
- Monday 17 February 5:30 - 7:30pm at Borden Pavilion
- Tuesday 18 February 5:30 - 7:30pm at Yongergnow Centre in Ongerup
- Thursday 20 February 5:30 - 7:30pm at Gnowangerup Sporting Complex
Please register your intention to attend by calling the Shire on 9827 1007 or email gnpshire@gnowangerup.wa.gov.au
The 2025 Community Survey is available online here.

Paper copies of the survey are available from the Shire Admisnistration Office or the Ongerup Library.
A copy of the survey is available here.
Talk to the team at the Fields & Fortunes Regional Business Forum, Friday 21 February, all day at the Gnowangerup Sporting Complex.
Survey Closes 4pm Sunday 23rd February 2025.
The Shire of Gnowangerup thanks you for your participation!